Episode 265. Feast Or Famine

Published by austin on

Reduced Shakespeare Company PodcastReed and Austin talk about what a busy, hectic, and productive two years it’s been, and how weirdly similar 2012 will be. Featuring insight into the cyclical nature of theatre, tips on regeneration, a special appearance from Jon Weber, host of NPR’s Piano Jazz Rising Stars, and frustratingly vague references to our touring plans for summer 2012. (Length 15:34)

1 Comment

Linda · January 7, 2012 at 10:28 pm

You guys are awesome. I actually have never been to a show but had seen a dvd of you. My sister thought that you were fantastic. She rented the dvd repeatedly and made me watch it. If I could find it again I would buy it. Any plans on being in Minnesota at any time?

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